Future Of Work — 2024 Outlook

The new normal is NOW!

executive summary

For the 3rd consecutive year, we have surveyed over 100 organisations on the impact of hybrid work on their recruitment, workplace, and real-estate decisions. Despite all the noise in the market, for the overwhelming majority, the new normal is NOW. Return to the office rates have stabilised for 18 months (around 38%) and organisations have started to adjust their office footprint accordingly. The differences between sectors are also becoming very visible and this has an impact on cities and neighbourhoods, depending on their exposure to certain sectors. Whilst reducing their overall footprint, organisations are increasingly looking to expand their presence in core vibrant urban areas that are most able to attract employees.

Return To Office rates remain low and stable

RTO rates show significant differences between sectors, however very few organisations have been able to increase these over the last year. Average figures remain at 38%, well below the pre-pandemic levels of c. 60%.

There is still a discrepancy between RTO policy and reality

Employees come back on average 1.9 days a week whilst they are expected 2.5 and, in some sectors,  this discrepancy is even bigger.

Remote working allowance continues to slightly increase

Strong consensus on RTO policies on 2 to 3 days, with many sectors having slightly increased their remote allowance (average is now 2.5 days vs. 2.4 days last year). More companies started offering 4, and even 5 days of remote work.

Office footprint reductions range between 7% and 25% driven by the sector-specific RTO rates

Business sectors showing the lowest return to office rates are equally showing the highest planned space reduction, such as Financial Services or the Technology sectors..

Expanded recruitment strategies to reach new talent pools

Over half of the respondents are widening their recruitment strategies to new geographies, this is particularly true in the Financial Services sector that shows the largest increase of remote job postings.

Corporate re-urbanisation trend is continuing

24% of respondents are planning to relocate to more central locations against only 3% for decentral.

More flexibility is expected from landlords on lease term

Expected average lease term has fallen to 4 years with only 10% looking to sign for more than 5 years.


We collected 105 responses from small to large companies, representative of all business sectors, for an estimated 4.7 million employees.


(Mostly Heads of CRE)


Estimated Number
of Employees

Banking, Finance & Insurance
Business Services
Life Sciences
Logistics & Manufacturing
Public Sector
Real Estate & Construction
Technology, Media & Telecom

Hybrid policy

The share of companies that have announced their hybrid policy is now stable since last year


Agreed & Announced
Agreed But Not Yet Announced
Currently Defining It
No Plan Yet


Agreed & Announced
Agreed But Not Yet Announced
Currently Defining It
No Plan Yet

Remote allowance remains stable however trend towards 3-5 days is increasing

Remote Working Allowance

Remote working allowance evolution
(days / week).


2023 vs. 2024 Average

Average remote working allowance 2023 vs. 2024 (days / week).


Desk-sharing policy

Share of companies with a desk-sharing policy.


Desk-sharing ratio by sector

Shown as number of desk per employee.


Return to office rates are now stable (around 38%). Companies are not forcing employees back.

In days per week:
Estimated Return to Office
Required Return to Office

place of work

Percentage of companies that will allow...


Working from abroad permanently


Working from abroad temporarily


Working from other existing offices


Working from coworking & flex spaces

footprint reduction & RTO rates

There's a clear correlation between the Footprint Reduction planned by employers and the Return-To-Office rates.


Estimated return-to-office rates for 2024
(in %).

Footprint Reduction

Estimated footprint reduction within the next 5 years (in %)

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